Lily/宏霖大學畢業於加州柏克萊分校, 就讀三年後於大眾傳播系畢業。矽谷聖塔克拉拉大學特殊教育碩士,任職教育顧問十多年。熱愛敬拜,旅遊,及與各族裔及背景的朋友們互動交流。Lily時常在姐妹及青少年聚會中帶領敬拜及分享生命故事,也是美國矽谷倍恩傳媒電台節目“倍恩新世代”,以及優視電視節目“你不知道的矽谷”的執行製作及主持人。Lily特別懷念蒙恩使女成員時期,在美國,台灣,香港,星加坡,馬來西亞巡迴演出,甚至近年與許多中國的朋友一起歌唱,讚美,親近我們的造物主!
在主裡把愛, 勇氣, 和釋放帶給生活週遭的人
這首歌“找回自己”,不但是我這幾年生命突破的寫照,背後的故事更是我成長過程中許多破碎和傷痛被醫治恢復後最真實的心聲。希望你聽了會有共鳴,也會願意相信「那在你們心裡動了善工的耶穌,必成全這工,直到耶穌基督的日子。(腓立比書 1:6)」讓我們互相勉勵,活出最真實的自己,好嗎?!
Singer, song-writer, educator, media figure, wife and mom, Lily is passionate about empowering the next generation of all ability levels, and enriching the world with her array of experiences and skills. Lily currently hosts a weekly radio segment in both Mandarin and English sharing Asian American viewpoints, and can be found speaking or sharing her songs at youth outreach and women’s gatherings. She is the TV host and Executive Producer of “Silicon Valley Stories/你不知道的矽谷”. She toured as a member of a Contemporary Christian ensemble “Blessed/蒙恩使女”, and her life story has been featured in radio and TV interviews as well as documentaries.
Whenever there is spare time apart from parental duties, Lily and her husband Alex are actively involved in local and international nonprofits and charities, helping to better lives and bring about positive change.
“I’ve been set free” is about my journey of realizing and recognizing the voids and pains I avoided dealing with all my life, and in choosing to face them, process them,
and lay them down at the feet of the One who Loves me unconditionally, I found myself freely able to live out who I was created to be! It is my heart’s desire that EVERYONE can FREELY connect to their Creator and enter into His Everlasting LOVE!
To Whom the Son sets Free is Free Indeed! – John 8:36