【完全的愛】(O Perfect Love)
作詞:葛妮(Dorothy Bloomfield Gurney) 作曲:約瑟夫‧班比(Joseph Barnby)
O perfect Love, all human thought transcending,
Lowly we kneel in prayer before Thy throne, That theirs may be the love which knows no ending, Whom Thou forevermore dost join in one. O perfect Life, be Thou their full assurance, Of tender charity and steadfast faith, Of patient hope and quiet, brave endurance, With childlike trust that fears not pain nor death. Grant them the joy which brightens earthly sorrow; Grant them the peace which calms all earthly strife; And to life’s day the glorious unknown morrow That dawns upon eternal love and life. |
虔誠信眾,向主屈膝頌揚, 為此佳偶,求主厚賜恩無量, 主作之合,恩愛地久天長。 完全生命,懇求為他們保證, 溫柔相愛,信心永久堅定, 有恆的望,壯膽平心的堅貞, 純潔天真,艱難痛苦不驚。 求使他倆,歡心消盡了愁情, 求賜他倆,平安寧息世爭, 百年偕老,又加燦爛的前程, 重見黎明,恩愛生命永恆。 |
愛的真諦(Theme of Love)是由簡銘耀所作,他出生於台北,幼年時跟著父親牧會而四處搬家、轉學。爾後簡銘耀畢業於淡江中學,並就讀台灣神學院音樂系,主修鋼琴、副修作曲。年輕時就對電子鍵盤特別有興趣,喜歡即興創作,但認為作品不成熟,所以沒有保留記錄下來。
1972年,他當時仍在神學院求學階段,一天早晨細雨綿綿,他坐在禮堂鋼琴前,看著窗外孫雅各(James Ira Dickson)院長的雕像,心中竄起對前輩思念的情懷,當下他決定依著這股情懷,創作了他第一首曲目「思祖」。不久後他入伍服役,退役後開始寫聖詩創作,但創作過程認為自己在創作聖詩上沒有天分,於是取材聖經或荒漠甘泉,而愛的真諦就是簡銘耀引用歌林多前書13:4-8的經文,所創作的第一首聖詩。
【愛的真諦】(Theme of Love)
詞:歌林多前書13:4-8 曲:簡銘耀
愛,是不嫉妒, 愛,是不自誇,不張狂, 不作慚愧的事, 不求自己的益處, 不輕易發怒, 不計算別人的惡, 不歡喜不義只歡喜真理, 凡事包容,凡事相信, 凡事盼望,凡事要忍耐, 愛,是永不止息 |
愛是一個更棒的方法(Love Is The More Excellent Way),是2005年時,由堯堯老師領導四位十分有才華的女孩-蒙恩使女,並與國內知名作詞人易家揚老師合作,由易家揚老師翻譯改編國外知名的歌曲「Love Is The More Excellent Way」所作出來的歌曲。
【愛是一個更棒的方法】 (Love Is The More Excellent Way)
作詞:Babbie Mason/Turner 易家揚 作曲:Lulu
I could speak with the tongue of men and angels
Love is the more excellent way But if I don’t have love, I’m just a clanging cymbal Love is the more excellent way I could have the faith to remove the mountains Love is the more excellent way But if I don’t have love then I have nothing Love is the more excellent way I could have the gift of prophecy Love is the more excellent way But if I don’t have love, does it profit me? Love is the more excellent way (Love is the way) I could understand all my mystery (Talk about love) But if I don’t have love it’s not enough you see Love is the more excellent way I could throw my body into the flames Love is the more excellent way But if I don’t have love, I don’t have anything Love is the more excellent way (You gotta have love) I could give to the poor everything I own Love is the more excellent way But a heart without love (without love) is just a heart of stone Love is the more excellent way Love is patient, Love is kind Love is Humble, all of the time Not easily angered, enduring the test So never forget Love is the more excellent way |
就算我孤單一個人在人海行走 面對成千上萬個未來的門 就算這一個世界有一點冷 愛是恩慈是忍耐 愛是溫柔愛是包容 不計算人的惡 不輕易發怒 請不要忘了 有的候需要一顆心 因為有明天就值得我向前進 我的生命中總有一個你 我不會害怕未來所有的問題 |
考門夫人的心靈日記+ 經典聖詩