神掌權「Our God Reigns」是由史理納(Leonard Smith)在1973年所創作,他原本是一位熱心於宣教的公立學校老師,擁有神學及英國文學的碩士學位的史理納,到現代音樂的影響,發覺自己有創作詩歌的天賦,而這股天賦,更能抒發他對與神之間的屬靈感受。在公立學校教書之時,史理納帶領許多年輕人信主,並在河邊領洗,但校長卻對這件事情十分不認同,開除了史理納,在往後三年內史理納換了三所不同的學校,但沒有一間學校收留他。
「我們的天父使我們脫離死亡而有生命,將失敗變為成功,由試煉中鍛鍊出品德,自苦難中養成忍耐、使一粒種子變成一顆粗壯的大樹。神對我們說,有誰能比那和我榮居的耶穌受到更大的不公平和淩辱? 靠近我,記住,我在這裡。」
完成作品的史理納開心的拿給各個出版商,希望他們可以幫忙出版,但出版商們對史理納的作品不感興趣,拒絕付印。此時有位佈道家孟福(Bob Mumford)在佈道會中教唱神掌權這首歌後,此詩歌竟然流傳美國、歐洲,甚至澳洲各地,當時詩歌內容只有第一節。而神掌權也是這是最早的讚美詩歌之一。在當時熱門的詩歌都會被許多教會隨意加減詞句,而史理納的神掌權也不意外,直到1978年,史理納補加了四節,才成了現在我們熟悉個長度
史理納說:「有人把這首歌唱得幽怨是錯誤的。 這是一首宣告的歌,許多人唱,祇相信它的一半,神掌管大事,如國之興亡。 真正的信息是:神也掌管小小的意外等瑣事,祂允許發生在我們身上的事,都有完美的旨意…而這一切都於我們有益。」
詞、曲:史理納(Leonard Smith)
How lovely on the mountains
Are the feet of him
Who brings good news,good news,
Announcing peace proclaiming
News of happiness.
Our God reigns our God reigns!
Our God reigns! Our God reigns!
Our God reigns! Our God reigns!
He had no stately form;
He had no majesty.
That we should be
drawn to Him.
He was despised,
and we took no account of Him,
Yet now He reigns
With the Most High. [Chorus]
Out of the tomb He came
With grace and majesty;
He is alive, He is alive.
God loves us so see here His hands,
His feet, His side.
Yes we know
He is alive. [Chorus]
Brenton Brown是一位非常出名的CCM歌手,在他英國念書時便在英國葡萄園教會發跡,當時年僅20出頭的Brenton Brown,以Lord Reign In Me這首歌揚名CCM,同時也被英國基督教版權協會(CCIL)列為最受歡迎的25首詩歌,之後Brenton Brown的名聲大噪,但大部分的時間,Brenton Brown還是以幕後的作詞作曲工作為主。早期發跡時除了合輯外,幾乎很難聽到他的個人專輯,2006時,他出版了第一張專輯,而這首當年非常出名的Lord Reign In Me也收錄在其中。
【Lord Reign In Me】
詞、曲:Brenton Brown
Over all the earth you reign on high
Every mountain stream, every sunset sky
But my one request, Lord my only aim
Is that you’d reign in me again
Lord reign in me, reign in your power
Over all my dreams, in my darkest hour
You are the Lord of all I am
So won’t you reign in me again
Over every thought, over every word
May my life reflect the beauty of my Lord
Cause you mean more to me than any earthly thing
So won’t you reign in me again
Lord, reign in me, reign in Your power
Over all my dreams, in my darkest hour
‘Cause You are the Lord of all I am
Newsboys是美國知名的CCM搖滾團體,成立於1985年,至今發行超過15張專輯,也獲獎無數,而這次要跟大家介紹的歌曲He Reigns是收錄在Adoration: The Worship Album專輯,也是他們發行的第十張專輯。
作詞:Peter Furler 作曲:Steve Taylor
It’s the song of the redeemed
Rising from the African plain
It’s the song of the forgiven
Drowning out the Amazon rain
The song of Asian believers
Filled with God’s holy fire
It’s every tribe, every tongue, every nation
A love song born of a grateful choir
It’s all God’s children singing
Glory, glory, hallelujah
He reigns, He reigns
It’s all God’s children singing
Glory, glory, hallelujah
He reigns, He reigns
Let it rise about the four winds
Caught up in the heavenly sound
Let praises echo from the towers of cathedrals
To the faithful gathered underground
Of all the songs sung from the dawn of creation
Some were meant to persist
Of all the bells rung from a thousand steeples
None rings truer than this
And all the powers of darkness
Tremble at what they’ve just heard
‘Cause all the powers of darkness
Can’t drown out a single word
When all God’s children sing out
Glory, glory, hallelujah
He reigns, He reigns
All God’s people singing
Glory, glory, hallelujah
He reigns, He reigns
He Reigns Forever是由非常有名的The Brooklyn Tabernacle所成立的詩班The Brooklyn Tabernacle choir於2002年所製作的歌曲,所創作的作品,並收錄在Be Glad這張專輯裡面,The Brooklyn Tabernacle是一所非常歷史的教會,其詩班的指揮是非常出名的辛傑米牧師,同時也出過非常著名的作品-疾風烈火。創團初期,辛傑米牧師與其太太並不懂音樂,但他們為了教會詩班,決定要從零開始,從什麼都不會慢慢培養出一團可以拿下數次葛萊美獎專業的詩班,在20年前,當時茁壯成熟的詩班也在辛傑米牧師的帶領下,來到台灣演唱,當時也造成非常轟動的盛況,至今The Brooklyn Tabernacle choir依舊活要在世界各地。
作詞/作曲:Marshall Carpenter
Sing praises to the King
for He is the King of Kings.
Sing praises to the King
for He is the King of Kings.
Give Him glory for He’s the King.
Give Him glory for He’s the King of Kings.
Give Him glory for He’s the King.
Give Him glory for He’s the King of Kings.
All hail King Jesus.
All hail Emmanuel.
All hail King Jesus.
All hail Emmanuel.
He reigns forever,
He reigns forever,
He reigns forever and evermore.
He reigns…
[Altos:] He reigns…
[Tenors:] He reigns.
He reigns…
[Altos:] He reigns…
[Tenors:] He reigns.
[All:] forevermore. All hail King Jesus
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