一張醞釀了12年的福音革命新作品《I Have a Dream》。從小活在他人 期待、壓抑自己內心渴望、害怕夢想的 Lil Woo,在經歷自我重新認識 的過程後,決定跨出勇敢的一步-不再向恐懼妥協,並且要無畏的發 聲!華語音樂裡,福音和饒舌像是兩條平行線沒有交錯,
在專輯的4首歌裡,Lil Woo 與台灣和美國兩地的專業團隊聯手打造一 首首獨特的饒舌歌曲,期待透過如此的創作,結合嘻哈文化裡的態度
A revolutionary gospel album that took 12 years to ferment, “I Have a Dream.” Lil Woo, used to live under expectations from others, denying own desires of the heart, and being afraid to dream, after knowing his true identity, decided take a bold step forward – never compromise with fear again, as well as being vocal about dreams fearlessly. In Chinese music, gospel and rap are like 2 parallel lines that never meet, just as white people and black people never got along in American history. However, “I Have a Dream” aims to break the fence of dreams and reality!
These 4 rap songs in the album were uniquely created by Lil Woo and professional crews from both Taiwan and America. Hoping the production, combining the attitude from hip hop culture and the positivity from Christian faith, become an elevating “hip hope” album.