我靈歌唱 23. 福音音樂之母 Dorothy Norwood – 十字架


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在聖經中,耶穌總是對著跟隨他的人說「背上你的十字架來跟從我。」(馬太福音16:24)每個人都有一個屬於自己的獨特十字架,別人拿不動你的十字架,你也無法扛起其他人的十字架,從不例外。而本週我們就要介紹素有「福音音樂之母」(Mother of Gospel music) 以及「這世界上最會說福音故事的說書人」(The World’s Greatest Gospel Story Teller)這兩個頭銜的Dorothy Norwood,來聽聽他是如何一路背起自己的十字架!

Dorothy Norwood出生於1935年,八歲就開始跟家族一起歌唱跟巡迴演出,成年後他獨自闖蕩芝加哥,在早期他是The Caravans的成員,途中也許多歌手合作,直到1964年選擇單飛,在他將近80年的事業生涯中,他出了50多張專輯,當中有5張金牌唱片,目前Dorothy成立了自己的唱片公司Dorothy Norwood Music Group持續他的音樂事工。

現在就讓我們來認識「福音音樂之母」Dorothy Norwood,傳奇且希奇的人生。 

歌曲介紹1953年與傳奇福音團體 The Caravans- 合作的 經典詩歌The Old Rugged Cross

Norwood 21歲 加入 The Caravans 的第一首代表作 –The Caravans-Standing In The Need of Prayer

It‘s me, it’s me oh Lord
Standing in the need of prayer 

It’s me, it’s me oh Lord
Standing in the need of prayer

Not my mother Not my father
But it’s me oh Lord

Standing in the need of prayer
Not my sister Not brother

But it’s me oh Lord
Standing in the need of prayer

It’s me, it’s me oh Lord
Standing in the need of prayer

It’s me, it’s me oh Lord
Standing in the need of prayer

1963 自組合唱團 Dorothy Norwood Singers 第一張專輯 Dorothy Norwood Singers-Johnny & Jesus

1981 首次入圍葛萊美奬最佳福音歌曲 Dorothy Norwood – God Can

Verse 1: There are things that man can do
He can sail through the air in his plane
Though man can do a lot of things, man is limited

Now tell me,
Can you catch the wind?
Can you make the world spin?
Can you pull the sun down?
Can you raise Man from the ground?
Ooh No, but I know who can
Choir: God can, God can God can, God can

Verse 2:
There is a master, for everything
For every kingdom, there’s a king
Though man can do, just about anything
God is still the Master, and He is always gonna be the King

Now tell me,
Choir: Can you catch the wind?
Can you make the world spin?
Can you pull the sun down?
Can you raise Man from the ground?
Ooh No,
Lead: But I know who can
Choir: God can, God can Ooh, Ooh

Verse 3:
Listen, there was a Man that came to this earth over two
thousand years ago
He was the closest thing, the closest thing to God I know
Listen, this Man had power I said, this Man had power
More power than any other man Let me tell you what He can do
He can heal the sick, with just the touch of His hand
This man could…

Walk on the water
Take water and make wine
Take five loaves of bread and two fish and feed thousands!
Ooh, He had the power of God in his hand God can, God can


1991 和新東家 Malaco 唱片公司合作 曾經在告示牌房房勇奪福音牓的第一名, 聽起來非常正面積極的 Victory Is Mine
Dorothy Norwood – Victory Is Mine

Victory is mine, Victory is mine, Victory today is mine.
I told Satan to get thee behind,
Victory today is mine. Victory is mine,
Victory is mine, Victory today is mine.
I told Satan to get thee behind,
Victory today is mine.
Joy is mine, Joy is mine,
Joy today is mine
I told Satan to get thee behind,
I know that joy is mine.
Happiness is mine,
Happiness is mine,
Happiness today is mine.
I told Satan to get thee behind,
Happiness today is mine.
Victory is mine, Victory is mine,
Victory today is mine.
I told Satan to get thee behind,
Victory today is mine.Victory
is mine,
Victory is mine,
Victory today is mine.
I told Satan
I told Satan
I told Satan
I told Satan
To get thee behind,
Victory today is mine.

本週主題曲 1997 Hattie B’s daughter Dorothy Norwood – Near The Cross

Jesus, keep me near the cross,
There a precious fountain
Free to all, a healing stream
Flows from Calvary’s mountain.
In the cross, in the cross,
Be my glory ever;
Till my raptured soul shall find
Rest beyond the river. 

Near the cross, a trembling soul,
Love and mercy found me;
There the bright and morning star
Sheds its beams around me.
In the cross, in the cross,
Be my glory ever;

Till my raptured soul shall find
Rest beyond the river.
Near the cross! O Lamb of God,
Bring its scenes before me;
Help me walk from day to day,
With its shadows o’er me. 

In the cross, in the cross,
Be my glory ever;
Till my raptured soul shall find
Rest beyond the river.
Near the cross I’ll watch and wait
Hoping, trusting ever,
Till I reach the golden strand,
Just beyond the river. 

In the cross, in the cross,
Be my glory ever;
Till my raptured soul shall find
Rest beyond the river 

2006年 The Caravans reunion 再次合體、出了一張紀念合集 Paved The Way 修直道路

2012 Dorothy Norwood 為了紀念她的好姐妹、也是帶她入行的生命導師 Albertina Walker 製作了這首歌曲 Just That Good

2014 目前最新的專輯 An Incredible Journey Dorothy Norwood 聽聽詩班如何用 Oh Jesus 兩個字來完成一首歌曲


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