Master Film making training camp

「Learn by Serving + Learn while Filming」Professional Disciples Training.

Using video imaging witnessing love of God in every corner of the world; through the Filming process open the vision of Kingdom of God; enter into the crowd and serve the community.

“People begin to learn writing at first year of elementary school, but never attended a filming class until much later in life, sometimes even after graduating from college.” In this era of information explosion, film production is as important as a writing class.

This workshop will deliver a professional film making experiences that can transform amateur into a professional photographer. A TIME TO FILM company has accumulated 20 years of industry work qualifications, combined with the experience of innovative education system developed “Experiential Educational Imaging Courses” of people’s needs.

Instructor: Awei Liu, Director / Producer

Taipei Film Festival Best Experimental Film Director
Golden Harvest Award for Best Documentary Producer
Producer of “Portraits Taiwan” by Discovery Channel
A Time to Film Executive Producer
Chinese Rock Leadership Association Image Course Instructor

Course recommendations

The words of the director

Vancouver Three Day Training Camp 5/26-5/28 (limited to 30 people)

Course specialties:

The Theory of Experiential: Derived from Dewey’s “Learning by Doing” concept, emphasizing the experience of the activities process and personal experience, to create new experiences applied to life learning journey.

Popular Intensive courses:
A TIME TO FILM has designed an intensive short courses (6 hours experiential educational course + 6 hours hands on practice) with instructor guidance. Different from the college and university courses which more emphasize on academic theory. We are more focus on the construction of fundamental skills and is suitable for all ages.

International level of post-production:
A TIME TO FILM has experienced with professional level of post-production Standard Operating Procedures after many years cooperated with Discovery Channel. Leading students step by step to complete each stage of the task and to establish a working platform with people involved in post-production discussion. These process help filmmakers avoid losing objectivity intuition during the process of editing.

Course content: (Delivered in Mandarin)

The First Stage: (experiential education of video courses + per person a machine editing implementation)

1. Developing teamwork
2. Work on different character arc with small group by teamwork.
3. Learn about how to achieve your story telling structure via cinematography and camera storyboard.
4. Hands on exercise and final film production achievement.

12hrs course, for students open the kingdom horizon and learn professional shooting technology.

[5/26 – 5/28/2017] weekend three days a total of 12hrs.

Workshop time:
Registration starts from now on, with the limits of 30 people
5/26 Fri 19:00 PM-22:00PM (3hrs)
5/27 Sat 9:00 AM-12:00PM, 14: 00Pm-17: 00PM (6hrs)
(Special Guest: 1:00 PM-1:40PM During the lunch)
5/28 Sun14: 00 PM-17: 00PM (3hrs)

Location: Strathcona Church
Class Address: 431 Princess Ave. Vancouver
Registration fee: CAD400 plus GST Total CAD420 (Including Saturday lunch)
* You will need to bring your own Full HD movie camera or camera with notebook computer and editing software.
(Recommended PC for Power Director, Premiere; Mac for iMovie, Final Cut Pro).

[Student Requirement]
1. Familiar with computer operation
2. Love to interact with people and community

[Those who welcome has following skills in particular]
1. Good at using monocular camera
2. Familiar with Final Cut Pro or Premiere professional editing software
3. Writing skill experience


The second stage – Cloud based workshop production team training (5-10 people)

1. Selection of enthusiastic and confident Students to enter the second stage of theme subject filming and learn professional skills
2. Three months of the practical virtual cloud based course. Director will supervise and monitor the weekly assignment for students. (Learning by doing)
3. Achieve a series of 10 stories of professional film productions.

The third stage 100 Success Film Festival

Purpose: Share the testimonies from students through the series of film production and shooting process on the film ceremony. Granting awards to encourage further good works.
Time: 9/2 (Saturday Afternoon 2-5pm)
Venue: Strathcona Church
Address: 431 Princess Ave. Vancouver

Program content: A series of 10 stories of professional film premier

Award and Bonus Encouragement:
1st place: bonus CAD $ 3,000
2nd place: bonus CAD $ 2,000
3rd place: bonus CAD $ 1,000
Special Award: To the most dedicated team

Purpose of the event:
1. Witness the love of God through the documentary to expand the vision of kingdom.
2. Form a professional filmmaker team in Vancouver
3. Establish a successful training model, duplicate to other cities.
4. Link the Chinese communities, into the community service crowd
5. Get more people to involved and achieve community care.


CARE society – 100 success


SeekYe Holistic association / A Time to Film Company

Contact person:

Joy: 778-320-0742
Andy: 778-990-2775

Payment information:

Registration Fee: CAD400 plus GST Total CAD420
Cheque payment:
Cheque Title: CARE Society
Mailing address: 431 Princess Ave, Vancouver, BC V6A 3C8 (To: Andrew Shaw)

Credit Card payment (see attachment)
Fill in the credit card info and send it to the mailbox:

Application Notes:

Please complete the payment process with-in 7 days of the registration so we can reserve the seats for you. Your registration will be cancelled if the payment has not been received in 7 days. The final application deadline is required to complete the registration process before 5/15.

Refund statement:

If you are not able to attend due to temporary reasons, you can call or email to apply refunding, the provisions are as follows:
1. Those who cancel the application 3 weeks before the date of workshop begins, refund 90% of the registration fee; 1 week before the cancellation of applicants, refund 50% of the registration fee; 1 week to cancel the applicants, no refund.
2. If the number of courses not enough or natural disasters (non-human factors) can not start class, will be full refund.

Online registration::

*必填 Must fill

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